Saturday, October 18, 2008

This One Is On Me...

Ok... I've had a couple of minutes now to gather my thoughts and I have to say I might have had something to do with the outcome of today's game... as a matter of fact this loss might be completely on me. During the Florida game I created, what I thought were, the correct conditions for watching an Ole Miss game. Today, however, I realized at halftime that I had not re-created said conditions. Apparently, during the Florida game I found the lucky spot on our couch. I also carried a broken piece of table from my kids' room (the lucky stick) and had my Ole Miss hat on. Today, i was distracted by the fact that we were in the midst of garage sale... before you lay into me, it ended well before kick-off... but I'll say it had me thinking of things other than the game this afternoon. Anyway, as the first half came to a close I realized that I, like the Rebels, needed to make some adjustments. I was sitting on the wrong side of the couch, I didn't have my hat and the stick was no where to be found. By the time the third quarter started I was on the other side of the couch, my hat was on my head and, whatdya know, the stick was still under the couch where it landed as I lost consciousness during the Florida game. With the universe re-aligned we saw a very different game in the second half. Turns out it might have been too little too late... So, in a very Tebowesque way, complete with quiver lip and tight chest, I tell you that no one will work harder the rest of the season to make sure I am on the right side of the couch with hat and lucky stick in hand... I want to apologize to the whole Rebel nation... No one will work harder to make sure our entire fan base will create the correct mojo to insure a trip to Memphis or at least Shreveport during the holidays. Again, I want to apologize to the entire Rebel nation. I didn't respect the mojo... what's that you say... No, the 10 points we gave them on turnovers didn't really come into play.
One other thing...

This guy, Gary Danielson, is a major douchebag. I don't think I've ever heard such butt kissing in all my life. I mean, everyone knows Tim Brando and Les Miles are (not so) secret love buddies. But who knows what goes on between Gary, John Parker and Saban? If I ever completely lose it and go on a nationwide killing spree I'm only going to shoot Brando's dog but Gary, you made the list. I hope we never play on CBS ever again!

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