Saturday, October 25, 2008

Arkansas... The Dark Side Of The Moon

I've longed believed that Jackson, Mississippi was the actual arm pit of this great nation of ours. I mean, I have people in Jackson and the surrounding areas and I used to drive through there on a regular basis to go to my Grandmother's house in Laurel all the time. I didn't know a whole lot then and I don't claim to know a whole lot now but I would be willing to bet that in or around the greater Jackson metroplex at this very moment part of 1-55 is shut down for some sort of construction. In twenty odd years of traveling up and down that highway, I have never not been stuck in some horrendous traffic caused by about 3 and half miles of cones. I live in ATLANTA and I'm saying the Jackson, Mississippi is the actual gate to the underworld! We played a couple of games a year in Jackson when I was at Ole Miss and I can honestly say I hope I never have to go to Jackson again for a football game.
Anyway, after spending a great deal of this week reading the various blogs and message boards concerning Houston Nutt's retrun to Fayetteville, I think I can confidently say that Jackson ain't so bad! You know what else? Baton Rouge ain't so bad. I'll even go so far as to say Tuscaloosa ain't so bad. Starkville ain't so... never mind... it is that bad. No, I would have to say the pitiest of the pit, the lowest of the low, the absolute nadir of society live just on the other of the side of the river from Memphis. Thank you, Lord, that in your divine providence you chose to protect the fair city of Memphis and all points east with a large expanse of water! These people are the largest flock of gaggling neanderthals that ever walked the planet. They're mad that Houston Nutt left but had such a deep seeded hatred for the man while he was coach there. They spend every waking moment away from Walmart doing they're very best to personally and professionally destroy the man. Come on... make up your mind. They continue to pepper our fan sites with profanity laced, vile and putrid statements concerning our football program and fair university in general. They just can't get over the fact that in the great scheme of things they are... an after thought. Yes, Baton Rouge and Tuscaloosa draw more than their fair share of dirtbags each and every Saturday but be proud Fayetteville... you are the dirtiest of the dirtbags! And you BBQ sucks!

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