Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Auburn... Let Me Try and Tell You Why They Suck... Part 1

The Loveliest Village on the Plains... Really?

And so begins Auburn Hate Week 2008. Easy pickins' this week. Where to start? We don't have to look very hard to see why the "spread eagle" offense didn't work out well this year for the tigers. Confusion runs rampant in south Alabama and its hard, we will see, for these folks to commit to anything.
First off, a little geography lesson. The folks outside of Opelika like to refer to their town as the "loveliest village on the plains". Now, I'm not sure where this comes from. Southeastern Alabama doesn't even make map. Its actually about 3 1/2 states east of the border of the map! The plains? Come on! You're nowhere near them. When's the last time a dust storm or tumble weed blew threw town? Seen any locusts lately? I bet not.
Get it together folks.
Honestly is the best policy. Lets go with "loveliest village in the middle of nowhere" or "loveliest village on the way to Destin".
Better yet... "Damn its humid here and we're below the gnat line".

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