Saturday, October 4, 2008

Are There Forces Against Us?

Well, another debilitating loss has me wondering.  Did someone a long, long time ago take a little trip out to the Delta in the middle of the night?  Somewhere out in the middle of no where on Highway 61?  Did they have a little meeting with Ol' Scratch?  Has someone sold our souls' unbeknownst to us?  This is just heartbreaking now!  So, I'm left to wonder.  Have we got the mojo on us?  Please let us know!  Someone somewhere has got to have the answer.  Seriously, I'd like to know if it is spiritually impossible for us to win consistently.  I'm tired of getting all jazzed up if forces are against us.  Let us know so we can just concentrate our efforts on having a good time in the Grove.  
We have a week off to get our spiritual house in order before heading into Tuscaloosa where it is more than likely that Ol' Scratch is currently coaching.  Start Praying NOW!

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