Friday, October 31, 2008

Auburn... Let Me Try and Tell You Why They Suck... Part 2

Once again confusion reigns supreme in south Alabama. What is it about the Greater Opelika Metroplex that can cause such incertitude? Perhaps, as we will soon see, it is a lack true identity. Who are you? The plainsmen? The tigers? War Eagles? It's so hard to keep it all straight. You can blame your football team's output this year on the failed "spread eagle" offense but I would suggest the problem is much much deeper. The lack of a united fan base might just be the cause. Any given saturday you might have 75,000 rabid rednecks each screaming a different name at the team. Now these young fellows, just being who they are (long on athletic ability but short on smarts), can't seem to keep it all straight. While they might remember a coach saying something about plainsmen, war eagle, or tiger during their recruiting, in the heat of the battle it all gets very confusing and sounds like boos. Come on Aubarn, make up your mind. Your poor team needs you to put up a united front! Oh yeah... a little less of this might help as well!

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