Friday, September 5, 2008

Wake Forest... a reminding!

I spent the better part this week a little worried about the game tomorrow in Winston.  I think most of my anxiety stems from a drubbing the Johnnys sustained at the hands of deacs two years ago in a driving rain.  At that time we had a glorified shrimp'n boat captain at the helm and he should have been able to better deal with the squal.  Anyway, they handed our fannies to us.  To add to those wonderful memories I also had the every sports guru in the country repeating the "Wake is the class of the ACC" mantra all week long.  "Oooohhhhh... Riley Skinner!"  Anyway, I was a little worried.  Actually, I was hoping for a rain out.  I seriously wanted to the remnants of Hurricane Hanna to park themselves over Winston Salem and cause a postponement.   Then it hit today.  Wake is in the ACC!  The weak ass ACC.  What in the world are we worried about?  Its the ACC!  And, more often than not, they are in the bottom of ACC!  I started to do a little digging.  Not only is Wake generally at the bottom of the ACC, they also historically reside at the bottom of the NCAA all time (go ahead and scroll down to #105).  So, I'm no longer worried about tomorrow afternoon.  I see it more as an opportunity to remind Wake from whence they came.  They've been getting a little big for the britches lately and its time for a little "reminding!"  Good Lord, its the ACC!
ps.  Scroll on up to #89 to find Sly and the boyz (Ha Ha... that's hilarious!)  They are even below Vandy and Kentucky!

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