Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Coach's Show Tuesday- Petrino

Last week I was little tough on Ol' Sly Croom and that half ass operation he's associated with down Starkneckville. After catching the Bobby Petrino Show this afternoon, I have to offer my apologies to Croom. They are not running the worst program in the nation... no that honor goes to the necks in Fayetteville. What an absolutely crappy waste of my time. I'm not sure but I think Richard and his lovely wife of Cabot made an appearance as the show got under way.  Incidentally, I believe Richard chose to wear his wedding outfit to the game on Saturday.  Lots and lots of lip cheese and scraggly long hair.  Classic!  The Hogs lucked into a win because whatever high school they were playing missed the field goal that would have sealed their fate.  Bobby had little positive to say about his team's performance which is understandable.  My only question is why this guy and this school get an hour for the show?  Clearly too much time to talk about a performance like they had on Saturday.  Which, in the long run, meant more crappy commercials with has-been hogs.  What a joke!
On the home side of things, I also caught Reverend Nutt's weekly address to our faithful congregation.  We have got to get a better theme song!  Now!
Ok, Saban is on so I'm gonna go kill myself.

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