Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sly Dog on the television

I caught the first addition of this season's Houston Nutt show this afternoon but before that wonderful experience I had to sit through the end of this season's first Sly Croom show. I was a little intrigued because this weekend all the planets seemed to fall into place for the first time in a long time. The Rebs were victorious in the Nutt debut and to add a cherry to top, Sly and the boys from MooU suffered defeat at the hands of a glorified high school team down in Ruston, La... hilarious!
Personally, I find it difficult to be too hard on ol' sly because he looks so pitiful in defeat... although considering his victory lap and tearful diatribe after last year's Egg Bowl... I'm getting over it! Back to the show this afternoon. I remember rushing home from church when I was kid to catch the Billy Brewer show and having to sit through the Jackie Sherril show as well. I remember this old geezer co-hosting the show then and was surprised to see they same old bastard on the show this afternoon as well. I kept wondering where in the hell they were shooting the show and then it finally struck me... they were shooting this show, complete with an extraordinary pitiful looking Croom in the stadium parking lot. The kicker was that, as backdrop, they parked an tractor tailor, complete with an airbrushed telephone number to call if you are interested in season tickets. After the week the bullies had I would bet that number hasn't been ringing too much latelly!

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