Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Something nice for a change...

While we tend to be bit snarky around here, its time to live into the mantra of mothers everywhere... that being "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Well, I heard a couple of very positive comments today in regards to our recent tackle football game with the Demon Deacons of Wake Forest University. Jim Grobe made an appearance on the Scott Van Pelt show (of ESPN fame) earlier today and had nothing but positive remarks about Ole Miss and our beloved football program. He went on and on about our team on both sides of the ball. Very refreshing! Also, I came across on article in the Memphis Commercial Appeal recounting the loss to Wake. The first paragraph of the article recounted how the Rebels received a sincere standing ovation from the Wake fans as they exited the field on Saturday. Considering the state of college athletics and their fan bases these days, it is just nice to see folks appreciating an honest effort and good contest.

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