Friday, August 8, 2008

Good Things... Chinese Fir at Augusta National

As the "good" thoughts continue I turn my attention to the world of golf and more directly a couple of hours east on I-20 to Augusta.  I have had the good fortune to visit Augusta National a couple of times now and, much like Keeneland, there is no place like it on earth.  I vividly remember walking down the 5th fairway and marveling at the immaculate grass that serves as the rough or "second cut" around Augusta.  I'm not sure I can say this clear enough but I will try.  You need to go to Augusta once in your life.  I don't care if you are golf fan or not you need to experience the grandeur that is the Masters.  
Here's the cool thing about Augusta National and their tournament... the membership owns it... all.  You know... the old coots in the Green Jackets.  They own the tournament and everything associated with it.  And because most of those guys already have more money than Bill Gates, they don't care if they make any or not.  So, what you won't find are $9 beers and $10 hotdogs (just an aside here... a couple of years later the Atlanta Athletic Club hosted the PGA Championship and not only did I pay an insane amount for concessions but you couldn't find a Coke anywhere near the place.  Apparently the PGA sold its soul to Pepsi.  Who would of ever thought you couldn't get a Coke in the city of Atlanta?)  I think I paid $1.25 for a Pimento Cheese Sandwich and $1.50 for a beer!  I also know I paid $5 to park in someone's driveway and then they gave me and my buddy a ride to front gate in a golf cart... I guess that's just a perk of having the two largest golf cart companies in town.
Here's the deal with the Masters... every tom, dick and Tiger Breaux wants be there on the weekend and I guess that's cool but for my money the practice rounds are where its at... not as many people and just a little more laid back.  During my first trip to Augusta I did what every one does... I back tracked my way back to the clubhouse and walked over to see who was on the driving range.  After that, prompted by rumors that Tiger was finishing the front nine, I tried to beat the crowd to Amen Corner.  I found a seat in the grandstand behind the 12th tee box and spent about an hour just watching all the goings on at golf's most famous corner.  Wonderful? You bet but, again, any fool from tigerland could find themselves here.  Right behind the grandstand is a concession area and behind that is the 14th fairway.  Fourteen doesn't get a lot of play on TV.  It's not one of those famed holes at Augusta where the Master's has been won or lost.  It's kind of forgotten.  After I left the grandstand at Amen Corner, I made my way to the 14th fairway.  It was cool and shady... and perfect.  I spent the rest of the afternoon sitting in the shade and watched the best golfers in the world make their way up the 14th fairway.   There were no crowds... as a matter of fact my buddy and I were the only ones sitting there.  The players would stop and talk to us.  It was really cool.  There was a moment in the shade... $1.50 beer in hand... that I realized that this was a really special place!  I told my buddy to call my wife and tell I was never coming home!

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