Friday, June 19, 2009

Barbecue Tour 2009

Been quite a while since I have posted anything on this here blog. As a matter of fact, I think it was just before last year's Egg Bowl... where if memory serves correctly there was a systematic destruction of the fellas from Starkville. Anyway, there has been quite a bit of hype about the year's football team. Heisman talk... SEC championships... BCS bowl games... While we are excited about the coming season, we can't help but be haunted by seasons past. We're heading out this weekend for a cross country road trip from Denver back to Atlanta. What better way to spend the time than eating and digesting BBQ the entire way? We're gonna try to hit all the majors and finally but all "we have the best BBQ" discussion to rest when we finally saunter into Central or Interstate in Memphis. It should look something like this....

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